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How can we help you?
Worldwide oil resources are dwindling, the effect of climate change can no longer be ignored; the global economy is growing, demanding more energy and fuel. Transport and travel, business or private, are the biggest driver for increasing oil consumption, accounting for over 40% of the total.
This development along with new legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have made engineers worldwide focus on new alternatives such as bioethanol or biodiesel to support a low carbon economy.
Numerous raw materials are used in biodiesel and ethanol production such as corn, soybean, cassava, potatoes and spent grain from distilleries and breweries. These are mixed and pumped with BTEX bio-substrate mixing systems. Potatoes chopped with open hopper pumps and integral cutting knives (BTM range), spent grain and other dewatered products transferred using open hopper (BTHE range) and Smart Air Injection (SAI) technology.
Ease of maintenance technologies such as Smart Conveying Technology (SCT), Rotor and Drive Joint Access can be incorporated in liquid feed and open hopper pumps.
SEEPEX pumps are used to accurately dose a variety of flocculants and other chemicals with minimal pulsation, high repeatability and precision to optimize processes.
Bioethanol and biodiesel production demands our pumps to handle abrasive media. Our portfolio includes ease of maintenance technologies with the ability to restore the pump’s efficiency without changing parts.
Imported or indigenous highly viscous non-flowable products are easily handled with SEEPEX open hopper T range pumps and energy-efficient Smart Air Injection technology.
Raw materials for bioethanol production are mixed and pumped with BTEX bio-substrate mixing systems that incorporate ease of maintenance technologies and a flange connection for feeding of liquid phase.
SEEPEX dosing pumps deliver with a high accuracy of +/- 1% and minimal pulsation, low to highly viscous and aggressive media, with or without solids.
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